Yoga for Stress

Practice Description

Begin with diaphragmatic breathing. If you’d like, place one hand on the belly and one hand on the heart. If taking time to pause brings up stressful thoughts, notice them. Observe them just like you observe your breath. 

Breathe this way for 5 breaths. If anxiety surfaces, just notice. Notice the sensations in the body. If it is difficult to stay still, count the breath and/or raise your arms up and down as you breath.

Now, paying attention to your breath, inhale, raise your arms up above your head, and exhale as you bend your knees and quickly pull your arms down in front of you in a quick motion, sighing out through the mouth, “ahhhhhh”. Repeat this until you notice your stress begin to melt away.

Transition from this pose to a forward fold. To move into this posture bend your knees a lot, and fold over towards the ground, allowing your neck to follow without any tension and your chest to rest against your knees. You can wrap your arms around the ankles or hold opposite elbows. Hold here for 30 seconds to a 1 minute. This posture can also be done seated.

Take a moment to notice how your mind and body feel different and return to your task at hand.

Practice List

Diaphragmatic Breathing
Quick Forward Fold with Exhale
Extended Forward Fold