Yoga for Sleep

Practice Description

Use this routine before sleep. A consistent practice will ensure better results.

Before you begin turn off all devices and screens, unless perhaps to pay some soothing music or background sounds such as the ocean waves.

Each of these postures can be done sequentially or on their own. This sequence can be done on the floor or on your bed. A really nice way to practice these poses is using a pillow or a blanket as a prop.

Combine with a body scan and progressive muscle relaxation or any other calming breath practices.

To begin, come to a child’s pose. To practice child’s pose come to your mat and fold your chest over your knees, either hugged closed together or bring your arms long in front of you, or wrap them behind you around your legs. If you’d like, take several breaths here. When this feels complete, bring your arms long in front of you and move them to one side, to the point that feels comfortable to you. Take several breaths here and repeat on the other side. 

Now move from your stomach to your back and bring your legs into your chest and wrap your arms around her legs. Sway side to side if you’d like. 

If you are on the ground, move towards a wall, and moving very close to the wall, extend your legs up the wall. You may stay here or if you’d like you can try bending the knees, or creating a V shape with your legs, soles pressed together. If you would like to practice this laying on your bed, use a firm pillow or folded blanket under your low back for support. Stay here for several minutes if you’d like. Remember to notice your inhale and your exhale. 

Next is a twist. To practice, extend your legs in front of you, with your arms wide to either side like a T and bend the knees towards the chest.  Drop the legs to the side for a twist. This can also be done on your stomach using a pillow or a blanket for support. Now twist on the other side. 

Now transition to final relaxation by laying flat on your back and extending your arms to your sides and your legs long. You may choose to place a blanket over you if that is comfortable. Take a full inhale in and exhale all the way out. This is an excellent posture to practice falling asleep. If your mind wanders, simply come back to the breath.

Practice List

Child’s pose
Child’s pose, with twist
Legs into chest
Legs up the wall 
Supine Twist
Final Relaxation (Savasana)