Yoga for Energy

Practice Description

Yoga for Energy can be done first thing in the morning or anytime during the day that you need a boost. 

To begin, stand in Mountain Posture by placing your feet squarely on the ground, hip distance apart. Stand tall. On an inhale, step your right foot back behind you and turn the back foot to a 45 degree angle. Bend the front knee, careful that the knee does not bend beyond the front of the foot, and raise your arms in the air. Exhale. Notice the strength that comes from this posture. Stay here for as long as you’d like and repeat on the other side.

Return to Mountain Posture and bend your knees and lift your arms up into the air. Take a couple of breaths here. When you are ready, twist to one side, keeping your knees aligned. Repeat on the other side.

Return to Mountain Posture and this time lift one leg up, bend the knee and press the foot against the shin or the upper leg, avoiding the knee. This can also be done by keeping the toes connected to the ground or using a chair or wall for balance. Remember if you lose your balance, come back to your breath. Repeat on the other side. 

To close this practice, return to Mountain Pose and practice Lion’s Breath, by bending the knees and bringing your arms to press against the legs as you breath out through an open mouth, extending your tongue down towards your chin, and letting out an audible, “rooooarrrrr.”

Practice List

Mountain Posture
Warrior I
Chair Pose
Chair Pose with Twist 
Balancing Tree
Lion’s Breath