The Art of Walking

For a few minutes, go for a walk. Not for the purpose of exercise, not to walk the dog or run an errand. Simply to walk. Revel in the process. One step forward, then the next. 

As you take deliberate steps, notice the experience of walking.

What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? 

Stop to observe a plant you’ve never noticed. Study its leaves, its stems, take in its smell. Notice what it feels like to touch the ground with your toes, with your heels, with your entire foot. What do you notice. 

Now look up. What does the sky look like? How does it change with time?

Notice as you walk what happens when you truly slow down. Notice what happens when there is no goal at the end of each step, when there is nowhere to be, nothing to accomplish.

Revel in the words by Vietnamese buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh: “I have arrived, I am home. My destination is in each step.”

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