Movement is about finding freedom and joy through moving your body. Whether it’s fast paced dance or mindful, breath-filled movement, this page is guaranteed to help you find your bliss.

Create some space. Let your body move creatively, without restriction or judgement.
(60 sec) 

Do something that you enjoyed as a child. This might be flying a kite or hula-hooping. Allow yourself to be immersed in the experience, move and play in a way that feels limitless and carefree. (30 sec)

Go to a playground and choose a swing or slide or jungle gym. Play with abandon.

Exercise for Joy

This is the type of exercise that has no goal or calorie counting, just a fun way to move the body and release endorphins. This may be a hike, running freely in the park, soccer, frisbee, options are limitless. Let’s feel free and joyous!


Take a moment, whether you are seated or standing, and ground your feet. Notice all points of contact with the ground. Press your toes against the ground, then your heels. Breathe in, press, exhale. Breathe in, press, notice, exhale. 

Anytime throughout the day, as you walk to the door, walk to a cafe,  or even walk to the printer, notice the sensation of walking. Take your time with each step. Notice, walking. 

Take a walk. Not for an errand, not for exercise, but just to walk. Revel in the process. Notice your steps, notice the sounds around you, the colors, the temperature. Just notice. 

Earthing is a powerful practice to connect with the earth’s healing energy. Find a surface where you can walk barefoot, perhaps sand, grass, or dirt. Practice connecting your feet to the surface and notice your connection to nature.

Earthing II

Find a peaceful place in nature where you can just “be.” This might be on in overlook, sitting amongst trees, a perch along a trail, or even in your backyard. Connect your barefeet to the ground.  Notice all the sensations. Breath intentionally.

Focusing the breath on the source of stress and moving into, can help dissipate the stress away. 

Tuning into the body before sleep can have profound effects on the body’s ability to rest. 

Throughout the day our minds can become cluttered and unfocused. Use mindful movement to bring things back into focus. 

Compassion is an experience of seeing both beauty and pain. Lean into this experience. 

Waiting can be elicit anxiety. Use this exercise to tune in to the experience and find some tranquility in the moment. 

This practice can be used on restless nights or as a regular evening practice.

This practice includes breathing and movement and can be done in under 3 minutes. The focus of this practice is to rid the body of stress. 

Need an afternoon pick-me up? Or need to revitalize after a long meeting? Try this 3 minute practice.

Yoga for Courage is both about finding the strength to stand up for ourselves and to find fierce compassion and loving kindness for others. 

Take a few minutes several times a day to loosen up and re-center.