Yoga for Stress
Practice Description Begin with diaphragmatic breathing. If you’d like, place one hand on the belly and one hand on the heart. If taking time to pause brings up stressful thoughts,…
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Yoga for Stress
Practice Description Begin with diaphragmatic breathing. If you’d like, place one hand on the belly and one hand on the heart. If taking time to pause brings up stressful thoughts,…
Practice Description Use this routine before sleep. A consistent practice will ensure better results. Before you begin turn off all devices and screens, unless perhaps to pay some soothing music…
This exercise can be done anytime throughout your day, to refocus or to come back to the present moment. This is also an exercise to practice while outdoors: in the…
This posture is part of the asana practice of yoga. An asana is a form, or posture. Standing forward fold (Uttanasana) can be calming. Allow your worries to flow away…