3 minute body scan – for sleep

When you lay down to sleep, if you are able lay down flat on your back. Make certain all devices and screens are shut off. Take a moment just to notice. Notice the sounds around you and notice what you feel in your body. Is there a muscle that feels sore? Do you feel calm? 

To begin, if you would like, if you’re able, lay flat on your back. Take a breath in and a long exhale out.  Notice the body here and took a brief scan to see how the body feels. Take another 3 breaths in and out. Adjust to feel comfortable.

Now bring attention to your feet as they lay still without effort. Notice the toes, the heels and the soles of the feet. Now notice the backs of your feet and allow them lay without effort. Notice your sit bones, your pelvis, your hips. 

Now notice the solar plexus, the abdomen, the belly. Take a breath here. Notice the ribcage and the spine. Notice the arms and the shoulders. Breathe to the elbows, forearms, hands, palms of hands and fingertips. 

Take a moment at any time to pause if you find tension in the body. Take a long inhale in and a long exhale out through your mouth. Perhaps you make the sound, “ahhhh.” With an exhale visualize the tension melting away and the body feeling calm and safe.  

Next, if you’d like, bring attention to the crown of your head, your forehead, and your eyelids. Notice your cheeckbones, and jaw. Exhale and release any tension from the jaw. 

Now come back to the breath and notice the chest and belly fill with breath then empty with breath. Notice the body here, laying flat, calm and safe, all tension melting away. Each exhale allows you to feel more and more calm.